
Fonda attended the Sixth Silk Road International Exposition

Views : 825
Update time : 2022-08-17 17:33:05
On August 14, the Sixth Silk Road International Exposition opened in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province. With a theme of strengthening interconnectivity and integration for common progress, shared benefits and win-win results, the expo has attracted participants from over 70 countries and regions, including the Republic of Korea, Thailand, and Singapore.

The five-day expo also features meetings and forums that cover topics such as RCEP regional economic and trade cooperation, smart manufacturing and green development. Dr.Song Hongwei , Founder and CEO of Fonda, was invited to give a speech on the theme of“Overseas Chinese's Entrepreneurship Road”at the forums.

Dr. Song Hongwei graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University and returned to China in 2011 to start a business. This is the 11th anniversary of Fonda, and it is also the 11th year that Dr. Song Hongwei started his business in the motherland. Fonda has been focusing on R&D and design in the field of smart lighting control for 11 years. In the past 11 years, Fonda has successfully developed facade lighting control platform, smart pole IoT platform and digital twin platform, which perfected the smart lighting solution to make urban lighting management more energy-efficient and convenient !

In the face of the turbulent international situation and the COVID-19 pandemic, Fonda insisted to call for all parties to help one another, overcome obstacles together, protect human life and health, and jointly consolidate the foundation of connectivity and cooperation.
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